Quality of Life Laws Decided Terri Schiavo's Fate
by Janice Sanford
"Maybe, I am missing something, but, Bob and Mary were pleading for their daughter's right to live with a disability. They were not begging that a stranger's life be spared from being executed."
This bears repeating over and over again, until those who continue too defend the killing of Theresa "Terri" Schiavo realize that "the whole Schiavo case evolved around taking away parents' right to be involved in their child's end-of-life matters" regardless of what their disabled child would want, and regardless of whether or not there is a written directive.
Terri Schindler-Schiavo was said to be in a "persistent vegetative state." But was she?
Florida law defines "PVS" as a condition in which there is no evidence of responsiveness.
In court, the medical experts were divided. Fl. Circuit Judge George W. Greer said she had not demonstrated sufficient actions to prove "cognitive function" because her actions were not "consistent" or "reproducible."
“My sister was not dying. She was physically as healthy as you and me,” -Bobby Schindler
Everyone, who defended Michael Schiavo did so on "quality of life" grounds [with the exception of the few who supported him on economic grounds].
The Schindlers were verbally abused and condemned for acting the way any "normal" parents would act under the circumstances,and for begging for their daughter's life to be spared.
Bob and Mary Schindler loved and wanted Terri to live as she had done for 15 years "under their loving eyes": a disabled woman who like thousands of brain-injured Americans across our country can/and do communicate their feelings to their parents [and other loved ones] in ways that those who have healthy children can never know or understand.
I think, it is clear now, that the Terri Schiavo Case was never about what Terri wanted. It was about putting another nail in the coffin of "family values"...... It was about people who seat in positions to pass judgement, who even if they agreed[as a personal matter] with the parents of Theresa Schiavo on moral grounds-would still pass judgement in favor of in just laws.
If we as caring Americans are to stop the wanton killing of the disabled, and insure that never again will our children have to witness the public execution of an innocent helpless human being on national television, we must work to rebuild the respect for human life that prevailed before the evolution of the 'bio ethicist."
How many times did the courts remind the Schindlers that they had no business being involved in the decision that ended with their daughter being denied food and water and dying from starvation-dehydration on March 31, 2005?
In my opinion, the first time was one time too many.
“It’s time; there’s nothing there. What are we doing — creating quality of life for her parents?” This statement was made by a person who made the choice for himself not to be put on life support if his surgery failed because he viewed laying there [like Terri] as having no quality of life. U of M - The Manitoban - 13 April 2005
Somewhere in all this, those who feel that life is not worth living unless one is 100% healthy mentally and physically have missed the boat in the Terri Schiavo case.
They chose for her what they would have chosen for themselves, without considering that just maybe Terri Schiavo would want to live, and be with her family, even if it meant living a quality of life others may not choose for themselves .
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Another famous Michael Schiavo Laps of Memory?

Another famous Michael Schiavo Laps of Memory?
by Janice Sanford
Michael Schiavo and Jodi Centonze
NOTE: According to Michael's deposition, from around June 1992 to November 19, 1993, he lived with his parents, Bill and Clara Schiavo at both, one Boca Ciega Point Blvd, Seminole, Florida, and at 12190 66th Ave North, Seminole, Florida.......(1 yr, 5 months)
NOTE: In his November 19,1993 deposition Michael states that he stayed at 'her place' 'spends the night there' "Twice a week maybe." ("Her" meaning Jodi Centonze.)
Right here Michael Schiavo starts a chain of lies about his place of residence at that time.
Q What is her name?
A Jody.
Q Last name? A C-E-N-T-O-N-Z-E. ...
Q Did you reside at the 2027 Warwick Drive address also with Jody Centonze?
A Yes.
Q How long did you live at the Oldsmar address?
A Three years.
Q Where did you reside prior to that?
A I lived at her house.
Q Jody Centonze's?
A Yes.
Q And from when was that?
A Just to clear something up, I am not good with dates and times. It was prior to the Warwick Drive one. http://www.hospicepatients.org/m-schiavo-pretrialdeposition-1999.pdf
December 14, 1993- Jodi Centonze signs agreement for house at 2027 Warwick Dr. Oldsmar, Florida 34677 [click on article title ]
July 28, 1995- Jodi A. Centonze received a Warranty deed for the property at 2027 Warwick Drive Oldsmar, Florida 34677[lot 31 Warwick Hills] . The deed was filed on August 7, 1995.( Book 9070, Page 883,Pinella County Courthouse)
July 28, 1995- Jodi A. Centonze received a Warranty deed for the property at 2027 Warwick Drive Oldsmar, Florida 34677[lot 31 Warwick Hills] . The deed was filed on August 7, 1995.( Book 9070, Page 883,Pinella County Courthouse)
2027 Warwick Drive, Oldsmar, Florida (Michael Schiavo and Jodi Centonze lived together at this address for three (3) years)
Now. What was it Michael Schiavo said under oath :
Q How long did you live at the Oldsmar address?
A Three years.
Q Where did you reside prior to that?
A I lived at her house.
Q Jody Centonze's?
A Yes.
Q And from when was that? A Just to clear something up, I am not good with dates and times. It was prior to the Warwick Drive one. http://www.hospicepatients.org/m-schiavo-pretrialdeposition-1999.pdf
Least you forget:
"prior" to that he lived with Jodi Centonze "at her house" At 2114 Poinciana Dr, Clearwater FL 33760-1917, in the High Point Subdivision. (Jodi Centonze's mother, Eleanor I. Centonze, lived in the same subdivision at 2163 Poinciana Dr. Clearwater Fl 33760-1918)
Jodi Ann Centonze signs the property at 2114 Poinciana Dr, Clearwater FL 33760-1917, that she got 1n 1989 from her ex-husband Scott W. Blough over to Kristl Lee Watson. The deed is filed August 14, 1995. (Book 9076, Page 2250) http://justiceforterrischiavo.us/1995.htm
According to Jodi 's brother:
"Neither one of them was looking to meet anyone," John Centonze said. "And it wasn't something they just did. They weren't really together for a couple of years after they met." http://www.sptimes.com/2005/03/26/Tampabay/She_s_the_other_woman.shtml
According to Michael Schiavo:
In 1995, Jodi and I built a house in Oldsmar. I had money from the malpractice award, and Jodi sold her house and the rental properties she owned. We put the house in her name.... [Michael Schiavo, Terri: the Truth, page112.]
Stay tuned for the rest of the story...............
Interesting, to say the least.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Terri's Fighters Won't Forget

It's hard to believe it has been two years since I posted my last post about the Terri Schiavo case on my site here... Hopefully, now that I am back, I will not wait so long inbetween postings again.
Having been there and seen the pain on the Schindlers' faces I can say this is one bit of American history that will be looked back on in shame long after we are gone. And rightfully so. For those who are still searching for answers in the Terri Schiavo case ,I created a site in memory of Terri with documents and much more. It's called JUSTICE FOR TERRI SCHIAVO.
For those who may not remember ,like Mr Thompson, Terri Schiavo was a brain injured woman who had a feeding tube put in in 1990 after she collapsed from an unknown cause. Her husband sued two doctors and he and his attorneys collected over $2,250,000. That's right! Over $2 million in January 1993. The sad thing is, it was in July 1993 that Michael Schiavo claims in his book that he met Jodi Centonze. The woman he lived with for over twelve yrs, had a family with, and married January 21, 2006. Less than a year after Terri Schiavo died after she was forced to go without food and water for thirteen (13) days.
I am devoted to getting the real facts in the case out into the public eye. I believe that if the media had done their job in reporting the facts in the case that Terri Schiavo's blood wouldn't be a stain on American history today.
I don't ask you to believe me , the facts in the case speak for themselves.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Schiavo's Implant Potentially Dangerous
by Janice Sanford
When a reporter did an article in the St. Petersburg Times, Feb 17,1991. pg.3, about Terri's surgery in which Yoshio Hosobuchi of the University of California at San Francisco in December(1990) implanted neurological thalamic stimulator in her brain, they reported:
"The brain stimulator implant was a success, said her husband, Mike. Mrs. Schiavo is slowly emerging from the coma at the Mediplex Medical Center, a neurological care center in Bradenton, he said. She will undergo at least a year of speech, occupational and physical therapy."
SCHIAVO: She spent three months there. Then, while she was there, we heard of this doctor in California here that was doing experimental surgery, implanting stimulators in people's brains in hopes to stimulate any activity.
Now, we were told with this, too (Ph) when this doctor looked at the CAT scans, that it was probably not going to work Because there's just no brain left. But I did it anyway, because I loved Terri. And I wanted to bring my wife back. I wanted to have my wife back in me.
So I flew her out to California by myself, with a nurse. And I spent a month there. They inserted the stimulator.
KING: Didn't work?
SCHIAVO: No, it eventually didn't work, no. The protocol for the stimulator was three months. I kept it on her for a year.
From Medical Examiner Jon R. Thogmartin autopsy report on Theresa Schiavo:
...In the left chest wall is an implanted medical device with a wire extending through subcutaneous tissues of the left neck and into the left scalp. A flat, four-prong electrical device is in the subgaleal area of the left scalp. A wire then further extends into the cranial cavity... Autopsy Report
Note: subgaleal area, is the area above the skull or within the scalp layer of the head; ...
Stephen J. Nelson,M.D. (Page 1, last paragraph)
Neuropathology Gross Description:
...A 9 centimeter long implanted neurological thalamic stimulator wire extended outward from the right parietal bone and it was surrounded by a 1 centimeter bony nodule on the inner table. This wire was traced and its tip terminated in the right thalamus... Autopsy Report
9 centimeters = 3.54 inches
9 centimeters = the length of the(above) line
CT scans
(Forget about comparing brains for a minute. Where's all the wire and stuff that Dr. Nelson and Medical Examiner Jon R. Thogmartin are describing in their report? )
Chronic deep brain stimulation in its present US FDA - approved manifestation is a patient - controlled treatment for tremor that consists of a multi-electrode lead implanted into the ventrointermediate nucleus of the thalamus.
The lead is connected to a pulse generator that is surgically implanted under the skin in the upper chest.
And an extension wire from the electrode lead is threaded from the scalp area under the skin to the chest where it is connected to the pulse generator.
Most users turn the unit off at night. The stimulus parameters can be adjusted to provide the best response and minimize adverse reactions.
The pulse generator must be replaced to change batteries, which should last 5 years.
Risks of DBS ( Deep Brain Stimulation) surgery are intracranial bleeding, infection, and loss of function.
Dr. Nelson seemed to think it was necessary to put in Terri's autopsy report a reason why she "had not undergone an MRI scan of her brain, rather than only a brain scan while alive":
"The FDA has received several reports of serious injury, including coma and permanent neurological impairment, in patients with implanted neurological stimulators who underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures. The mechanism for these adverse events is likely to involve heating of the electrodes at the end of the leadwires, resulting in injury to the surrounding tissue. Although these reports involved deep brain stimulators and vagus nerve stimulators, similar injuries could be caused by any type of implanted neurological stimulator, such as spinal cord stimulators, peripheral nerve stimulators, and neuromuscular stimulators"
One would assume from the autopsy, that an MRIis never done on a patient with an implanted neurological stimulator.
The following is taken from the same report Dr. Nelson quoted from:
If an MRI procedure is to be performed on a patient with an implanted neurological stimulator, be sure to review the labeling for the specific model that is implanted in the patient, with particular attention to warnings and precautions. The radiologist may need to consult with the implanting or monitoring physician for this information. Also note and follow any instructions exactly for MRI imaging that may be in the labeling for the implant, including information on types and/or strengths of MRI equipment that may have been tested for interaction with the particular implanted device. The radiologist may need to consult with the device implant manufacturer for this information.
According to Michael Schiavo's November 19, 1993 deposition, case No. 90-2908-GD,page 24:
Q And what was the purpose of taking her to California?
A There was some experimental surgery that I heard about.
Q Do you remember the doctor you went to see out there?
A Doctor Yoshio Hosobuchi.
page 25
Q Okay. Tell me about Doctor Hosobuchi and his treatment of Terry?
A Well, the basic thing was we took her to California. He had some experimental stimulators that- he was placing in peoples' heads. There were some people that woke up.
It's a whole protocal on it. I don't have it with me. But it would be very experimental. He put it in. He did some testing. There was no evidence of it working with Terry.
The only thing it would do, when he turned it up passed a certain point Terry would just sit up, which was just motor response. She would just get real bright eyed because things were being stimulated. He wasn't thrilled about it because he didn't see any positive signs.
Q Was -- did he implant anything into her? Did he put anything in her head that remained?
A Yes.
Q Are they still ?
A Yes.
Q What are they?
page 26
A Electrodes. They're platinum electrodes.
Q Did he suggest any future treatment that was experimental --
A Treatment for what?
Q -- in California. Diagnostic testing, anything of that nature?
A No. When Doctor Yingling was here, he came out and, basically, if it didn't work within --
page 27
Q My question was: Was there a suggestion of further diagnostic testing or procedures after the treatment by Doctor Hosobuchi in California?
A As far as I can remember --
page 28
Q Did Doctor Hosobuchi, after he saw Terry, recommend any further diagnostic procedures?
A He recommended that Doctor Yingling would be doing it.
Q So did she see Doctor Yingling?
A She -- Doctor Yingling came out here, I believe, a year later.
Q And that was at the suggestion of Doctor Hosobuchi?
A That, I have no idea.
Q Okay. What did Doctor Yingling say or do, to your knowledge?
A He came out -- Terry was at Mediplex -- he came out and did some testing, and he needed a CP-900 machine or something from Shands, and it wasn't available, and he said it wasn't no big deal.
He told me he had -- he didn'tsee any evident sign that the stimulator was working, did some tests with Terry(i). Nothing was new with her from the time he had last
page 29
seen her. And that was basically it. We took him out to dinner and he had loads of wine and that was it. He spilled it all over our couch.
Q Other than the Doctor Hosobuchi and Doctor Yingling -- was Doctor Yingling also from California?
A Yes.
Q And he was somebody that Doctor Hosobuchi suggested see Terry?
He was Hosobuchi's assistant.
Q Has she seen any other experts since that time?
A What type of experts?
Q Since Doctor Yingling saw her, what physicians have seen her?
page 30
Q Okay. When was the last time Terry had seen a neurologist?
page 31
A I'd have to look up some records. I don't remember.
Q Has it been years?
A No, I don't think it's been years.
Q Has a neurologist seen her since Doctor Yingling saw her?
A I don't recall.
Q Have any diagnostic tests been performed since Doctor Yingling saw Terry?
Q Okay. of the neurology strain.
A I don't recall. There could have been. I don't recall.
According to Schiavo "The protocol for the stimulator was three months" but he "kept it on her for a year." Even though he knew that leaving the stimulator on longer than three months could harm or even kill Terri.
Michael Schiavo should still be made to answer for abusing his wife after her brain injury.
Whether or not the implanted neurological stimulator worked, Michael Schiavo should have made sure that Terri had a neurologist following her case.
The implant had the potential to cause intracranial bleeding, infection, and loss of function.
by Janice Sanford
When a reporter did an article in the St. Petersburg Times, Feb 17,1991. pg.3, about Terri's surgery in which Yoshio Hosobuchi of the University of California at San Francisco in December(1990) implanted neurological thalamic stimulator in her brain, they reported:
"The brain stimulator implant was a success, said her husband, Mike. Mrs. Schiavo is slowly emerging from the coma at the Mediplex Medical Center, a neurological care center in Bradenton, he said. She will undergo at least a year of speech, occupational and physical therapy."
SCHIAVO: She spent three months there. Then, while she was there, we heard of this doctor in California here that was doing experimental surgery, implanting stimulators in people's brains in hopes to stimulate any activity.
Now, we were told with this, too (Ph) when this doctor looked at the CAT scans, that it was probably not going to work Because there's just no brain left. But I did it anyway, because I loved Terri. And I wanted to bring my wife back. I wanted to have my wife back in me.
So I flew her out to California by myself, with a nurse. And I spent a month there. They inserted the stimulator.
KING: Didn't work?
SCHIAVO: No, it eventually didn't work, no. The protocol for the stimulator was three months. I kept it on her for a year.
From Medical Examiner Jon R. Thogmartin autopsy report on Theresa Schiavo:
...In the left chest wall is an implanted medical device with a wire extending through subcutaneous tissues of the left neck and into the left scalp. A flat, four-prong electrical device is in the subgaleal area of the left scalp. A wire then further extends into the cranial cavity... Autopsy Report
Note: subgaleal area, is the area above the skull or within the scalp layer of the head; ...
Stephen J. Nelson,M.D. (Page 1, last paragraph)
Neuropathology Gross Description:
...A 9 centimeter long implanted neurological thalamic stimulator wire extended outward from the right parietal bone and it was surrounded by a 1 centimeter bony nodule on the inner table. This wire was traced and its tip terminated in the right thalamus... Autopsy Report
9 centimeters = 3.54 inches
9 centimeters = the length of the(above) line
CT scans
(Forget about comparing brains for a minute. Where's all the wire and stuff that Dr. Nelson and Medical Examiner Jon R. Thogmartin are describing in their report? )
Chronic deep brain stimulation in its present US FDA - approved manifestation is a patient - controlled treatment for tremor that consists of a multi-electrode lead implanted into the ventrointermediate nucleus of the thalamus.
The lead is connected to a pulse generator that is surgically implanted under the skin in the upper chest.
And an extension wire from the electrode lead is threaded from the scalp area under the skin to the chest where it is connected to the pulse generator.
Most users turn the unit off at night. The stimulus parameters can be adjusted to provide the best response and minimize adverse reactions.
The pulse generator must be replaced to change batteries, which should last 5 years.
Risks of DBS ( Deep Brain Stimulation) surgery are intracranial bleeding, infection, and loss of function.
Dr. Nelson seemed to think it was necessary to put in Terri's autopsy report a reason why she "had not undergone an MRI scan of her brain, rather than only a brain scan while alive":
"The FDA has received several reports of serious injury, including coma and permanent neurological impairment, in patients with implanted neurological stimulators who underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedures. The mechanism for these adverse events is likely to involve heating of the electrodes at the end of the leadwires, resulting in injury to the surrounding tissue. Although these reports involved deep brain stimulators and vagus nerve stimulators, similar injuries could be caused by any type of implanted neurological stimulator, such as spinal cord stimulators, peripheral nerve stimulators, and neuromuscular stimulators"
One would assume from the autopsy, that an MRIis never done on a patient with an implanted neurological stimulator.
The following is taken from the same report Dr. Nelson quoted from:
If an MRI procedure is to be performed on a patient with an implanted neurological stimulator, be sure to review the labeling for the specific model that is implanted in the patient, with particular attention to warnings and precautions. The radiologist may need to consult with the implanting or monitoring physician for this information. Also note and follow any instructions exactly for MRI imaging that may be in the labeling for the implant, including information on types and/or strengths of MRI equipment that may have been tested for interaction with the particular implanted device. The radiologist may need to consult with the device implant manufacturer for this information.
According to Michael Schiavo's November 19, 1993 deposition, case No. 90-2908-GD,page 24:
Q And what was the purpose of taking her to California?
A There was some experimental surgery that I heard about.
Q Do you remember the doctor you went to see out there?
A Doctor Yoshio Hosobuchi.
page 25
Q Okay. Tell me about Doctor Hosobuchi and his treatment of Terry?
A Well, the basic thing was we took her to California. He had some experimental stimulators that- he was placing in peoples' heads. There were some people that woke up.
It's a whole protocal on it. I don't have it with me. But it would be very experimental. He put it in. He did some testing. There was no evidence of it working with Terry.
The only thing it would do, when he turned it up passed a certain point Terry would just sit up, which was just motor response. She would just get real bright eyed because things were being stimulated. He wasn't thrilled about it because he didn't see any positive signs.
Q Was -- did he implant anything into her? Did he put anything in her head that remained?
A Yes.
Q Are they still ?
A Yes.
Q What are they?
page 26
A Electrodes. They're platinum electrodes.
Q Did he suggest any future treatment that was experimental --
A Treatment for what?
Q -- in California. Diagnostic testing, anything of that nature?
A No. When Doctor Yingling was here, he came out and, basically, if it didn't work within --
page 27
Q My question was: Was there a suggestion of further diagnostic testing or procedures after the treatment by Doctor Hosobuchi in California?
A As far as I can remember --
page 28
Q Did Doctor Hosobuchi, after he saw Terry, recommend any further diagnostic procedures?
A He recommended that Doctor Yingling would be doing it.
Q So did she see Doctor Yingling?
A She -- Doctor Yingling came out here, I believe, a year later.
Q And that was at the suggestion of Doctor Hosobuchi?
A That, I have no idea.
Q Okay. What did Doctor Yingling say or do, to your knowledge?
A He came out -- Terry was at Mediplex -- he came out and did some testing, and he needed a CP-900 machine or something from Shands, and it wasn't available, and he said it wasn't no big deal.
He told me he had -- he didn'tsee any evident sign that the stimulator was working, did some tests with Terry(i). Nothing was new with her from the time he had last
page 29
seen her. And that was basically it. We took him out to dinner and he had loads of wine and that was it. He spilled it all over our couch.
Q Other than the Doctor Hosobuchi and Doctor Yingling -- was Doctor Yingling also from California?
A Yes.
Q And he was somebody that Doctor Hosobuchi suggested see Terry?
He was Hosobuchi's assistant.
Q Has she seen any other experts since that time?
A What type of experts?
Q Since Doctor Yingling saw her, what physicians have seen her?
page 30
Q Okay. When was the last time Terry had seen a neurologist?
page 31
A I'd have to look up some records. I don't remember.
Q Has it been years?
A No, I don't think it's been years.
Q Has a neurologist seen her since Doctor Yingling saw her?
A I don't recall.
Q Have any diagnostic tests been performed since Doctor Yingling saw Terry?
Q Okay. of the neurology strain.
A I don't recall. There could have been. I don't recall.
According to Schiavo "The protocol for the stimulator was three months" but he "kept it on her for a year." Even though he knew that leaving the stimulator on longer than three months could harm or even kill Terri.
Michael Schiavo should still be made to answer for abusing his wife after her brain injury.
Whether or not the implanted neurological stimulator worked, Michael Schiavo should have made sure that Terri had a neurologist following her case.
The implant had the potential to cause intracranial bleeding, infection, and loss of function.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Florida Supreme Court documents-Terri Schiavo Case
Documents in the Schiavo Cases
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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Code of Judicial Conduct governing behavior by judges forbids the Justices of the Florida Supreme Court to discuss pending cases with the public. Please do not call the Court expecting to speak with a Justice about any case. If you have a comment to make, please mail it to the Clerk's Office at 500 S. Duval St., Tallahassee FL 32399. However, the Court is only allowed to consider arguments made in the courtroom and in documents properly filed by actual parties in the case as authorized by law and the Rules of Court. TheCourt cannot ethically read or consider any other opinions or arguments about the case. Communications that do not meet these legal requirements cannot be forwarded to the Justices.
ADVISORY: 11/30/2004: The Court issued its second Mandate returning this case to the trial court for further proceedings, upon the expiration of the 30 days it previously granted the Governor to seek a stay in the U.S. Supreme Court. You need the Adobe Acrobat plugin to view documents on this page.
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Current Case Before the Florida Supreme Court
Latest Documents in Case No. 04-925New Mandate (added 11/30/2004)Order Granting Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/27/2004)Opposition to Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/26/2004)Appendix to Opposition Motion (added 10/26/2004)Order Directing a Response (added 10/25/2004)Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/25/2004)Motion to Recall Mandate Appendix (added 10/25/2004) Mandate (added 10/22/2004)
****All Other Documents in this CaseEarlier Cases Before the Florida Supreme CourtCase No. 03-1242 (Filed & Finalized 2003) Case No. 01-2678 (Filed 2001 & Finalized 2002) Case No. 01-559 (Filed & Finalized 2001)
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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Code of Judicial Conduct governing behavior by judges forbids the Justices of the Florida Supreme Court to discuss pending cases with the public. Please do not call the Court expecting to speak with a Justice about any case. If you have a comment to make, please mail it to the Clerk's Office at 500 S. Duval St., Tallahassee FL 32399. However, the Court is only allowed to consider arguments made in the courtroom and in documents properly filed by actual parties in the case as authorized by law and the Rules of Court. TheCourt cannot ethically read or consider any other opinions or arguments about the case. Communications that do not meet these legal requirements cannot be forwarded to the Justices.
ADVISORY: 11/30/2004: The Court issued its second Mandate returning this case to the trial court for further proceedings, upon the expiration of the 30 days it previously granted the Governor to seek a stay in the U.S. Supreme Court. You need the Adobe Acrobat plugin to view documents on this page.
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Current Case Before the Florida Supreme Court
Latest Documents in Case No. 04-925New Mandate (added 11/30/2004)Order Granting Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/27/2004)Opposition to Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/26/2004)Appendix to Opposition Motion (added 10/26/2004)Order Directing a Response (added 10/25/2004)Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/25/2004)Motion to Recall Mandate Appendix (added 10/25/2004) Mandate (added 10/22/2004)
****All Other Documents in this CaseEarlier Cases Before the Florida Supreme CourtCase No. 03-1242 (Filed & Finalized 2003) Case No. 01-2678 (Filed 2001 & Finalized 2002) Case No. 01-559 (Filed & Finalized 2001)
Supreme Court of Florida- Theresa Schiavo Case
Briefs & Other Documents in Case No. 01-559
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Supreme Court of Florida-Theresa Schiavo Case
Supreme Court of Florida
Briefs & Other Documents in Case No. 04-925
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Documents in the Schiavo Cases
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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Code of Judicial Conduct governing behavior by judges forbids the Justices of the Florida Supreme Court to discuss pending cases with the public. Please do not call the Court expecting to speak with a Justice about any case. If you have a comment to make, please mail it to the Clerk's Office at 500 S. Duval St., Tallahassee FL 32399. However, the Court is only allowed to consider arguments made in the courtroom and in documents properly filed by actual parties in the case as authorized by law and the Rules of Court. TheCourt cannot ethically read or consider any other opinions or arguments about the case. Communications that do not meet these legal requirements cannot be forwarded to the Justices.
ADVISORY: 10/27/2004: The Court granted the Governor's motion to recall the Mandate. You need the Adobe Acrobat plugin to view documents on this page.
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Current Case Before the Florida Supreme Court
Latest Documents in Case No. 04-925Order Granting Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/27/2004)Opposition to Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/26/2004)Appendix to Opposition Motion (added 10/26/2004)Order Directing a Response (added 10/25/2004)Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/25/2004)Motion to Recall Mandate Appendix (added 10/25/2004) Mandate (added 10/22/2004)
****All Other Documents in this Case
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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC: The Code of Judicial Conduct governing behavior by judges forbids the Justices of the Florida Supreme Court to discuss pending cases with the public. Please do not call the Court expecting to speak with a Justice about any case. If you have a comment to make, please mail it to the Clerk's Office at 500 S. Duval St., Tallahassee FL 32399. However, the Court is only allowed to consider arguments made in the courtroom and in documents properly filed by actual parties in the case as authorized by law and the Rules of Court. TheCourt cannot ethically read or consider any other opinions or arguments about the case. Communications that do not meet these legal requirements cannot be forwarded to the Justices.
ADVISORY: 10/27/2004: The Court granted the Governor's motion to recall the Mandate. You need the Adobe Acrobat plugin to view documents on this page.
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Current Case Before the Florida Supreme Court
Latest Documents in Case No. 04-925Order Granting Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/27/2004)Opposition to Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/26/2004)Appendix to Opposition Motion (added 10/26/2004)Order Directing a Response (added 10/25/2004)Motion to Recall Mandate (added 10/25/2004)Motion to Recall Mandate Appendix (added 10/25/2004) Mandate (added 10/22/2004)
****All Other Documents in this Case
Terri's case documented
Terri Schiavo 1990 exam
Terri Schiavo 1991 bone scan from 1991 image
July 16,1993- Mary and Bob Schindlers' letter to Michael Schiavo
Letter to Michael from Bob and Mary Schindler
May 3, 2001- CNN Burden of Proof- Bob and Bobby Schindler
Deposition (excerpts) of Michael Schiavo's former girlfriend: Cynthia Shook 05-08-2001Michael's former girlfriend speaks out(Audio file)
October 10,2002- Radio personality, Glenn Beck, also had a change of heart about Terri. Hear why.
October 16,2002 - Michael's brother ,Steve Schiavo interview- Glen Beck Show
August 13, 2003- The Schindlers and George Felos interview- Hannity & Colmes
October 14, 2003-a letter from one of Michael Schiavo's attorneys guaranteeing Terri's parents and sibblings access to see Terri under certain conditions- after the tube is pulled http://www.cnsnews.com/pdf/2003/Bushnell2.pdf
October 21, 2003-Interview with Terri Schiavo's family :SE Bay Area Indymedia
MP3 at 3.2 mebibytes
Oct - 22, 2003-Terri's bill approved, signed into law. Governor Bush issues
October 27,2003- Michael Schiavo interview on CNN Larry King Live http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0310/27/lkl.00.html
Michael Schiavo, 1/2000 Direct Testimony: states bulemia was never provedsee p 27. (large file) Michael Schiavo, 1999 Pretrial Deposition: testifies Terri was not strugglying with weight and had healthy appetitesee p 15. (large file)
October 27,2003 -On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, theSchindlers' attorney, Pat Anderson
October 28, 2003- Dr. Hammesfahr on Hannity and Colmes
Nov.2003 - Governor Bush petitions to remove Judge W. Douglas Baird on suggestion of bias http://sun6.dms.state.fl.us/eog_new/eog/library/releases/2003/November/disqualification_judge.pdf
Report of Guardian AdLitem Jay Wolfson 12-2003 re Terri Schiavo
May 7, 2004- Ken Connor, Gov. Jeb Bush's Atty and George Felos, Michael Schiavo'sAtty on the Record With Greta Van Susteren
May 17, 2004 - http://www.myflorida.com/myflorida/government/laws/documents/terri_schiavo.pdf
May 19, 2004- Terri's Parents on the Record with Greta Van Susteren http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,120385,00.html
August 31, 2004 - Florida Supreme Court Schiavo v. Bush
Archived video of the hearing is available at: http:// www.wfsu.org/rafiles/archives/04-925.ram - Real Video filemms:// - Windows media File.
September 27, 2004- Bob and Mary Schindler interview on CNN Larry King Live
Carolyn Johnson ,August 28,2003- Certified Nursing Assistant...took care of Terri at Sabal Palms nursing home
Carla Sauer Iyer,R.N.- August 29, 2003-Nurse Carla Iyer took care ofTerri at Palm Garden of Largo Convalescent Center, from April of 1995 to July 1996....
Heidi Law,Certified Nursing Assistant ,August 30,2003- took care of Terri at the Palm Gardens nursing home.
Patricia Fields Anderson,ESQ. September 8, 2003- Schindlers attorney.
http://www.cnsnews.com/pdf/2003/flaffa.pdfhttp://judgegeorgegreer.com/docs/FOR THOSE WHO 'REALLY' WANT TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES
NEUROLOGIST WILLIAM HAMMESFAHR ON SCHIAVO CASE (MP3)The following REAL video files with the .rm or .ram file ending must be played withthe free REAL VIDEO Player, available for download at Real.com Almost Five Minute Long Video of Terri This (2280 KB) file may take a while (8-10 minutes to download if you have slow dialup) but it is well worth it! We have tested the file and it definitely works with the REAL Player. You should NOT use other players for this file.See the story of Terri's family releasing this tape at CNS News.comTerri Opens Eyes - REAL video fileTerri: "How's That cold?" REAL video fileTerri's Mum - REAL video fileTerri Music - REAL video fileTerri Swab - REAL video file
Terri Schiavo 1991 bone scan from 1991 image
July 16,1993- Mary and Bob Schindlers' letter to Michael Schiavo
Letter to Michael from Bob and Mary Schindler
May 3, 2001- CNN Burden of Proof- Bob and Bobby Schindler
Deposition (excerpts) of Michael Schiavo's former girlfriend: Cynthia Shook 05-08-2001Michael's former girlfriend speaks out(Audio file)
October 10,2002- Radio personality, Glenn Beck, also had a change of heart about Terri. Hear why.
October 16,2002 - Michael's brother ,Steve Schiavo interview- Glen Beck Show
August 13, 2003- The Schindlers and George Felos interview- Hannity & Colmes
October 14, 2003-a letter from one of Michael Schiavo's attorneys guaranteeing Terri's parents and sibblings access to see Terri under certain conditions- after the tube is pulled http://www.cnsnews.com/pdf/2003/Bushnell2.pdf
October 21, 2003-Interview with Terri Schiavo's family :SE Bay Area Indymedia
MP3 at 3.2 mebibytes
Oct - 22, 2003-Terri's bill approved, signed into law. Governor Bush issues
October 27,2003- Michael Schiavo interview on CNN Larry King Live http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0310/27/lkl.00.html
Michael Schiavo, 1/2000 Direct Testimony: states bulemia was never provedsee p 27. (large file) Michael Schiavo, 1999 Pretrial Deposition: testifies Terri was not strugglying with weight and had healthy appetitesee p 15. (large file)
October 27,2003 -On the Record with Greta Van Susteren, theSchindlers' attorney, Pat Anderson
October 28, 2003- Dr. Hammesfahr on Hannity and Colmes
Nov.2003 - Governor Bush petitions to remove Judge W. Douglas Baird on suggestion of bias http://sun6.dms.state.fl.us/eog_new/eog/library/releases/2003/November/disqualification_judge.pdf
Report of Guardian AdLitem Jay Wolfson 12-2003 re Terri Schiavo
May 7, 2004- Ken Connor, Gov. Jeb Bush's Atty and George Felos, Michael Schiavo'sAtty on the Record With Greta Van Susteren
May 17, 2004 - http://www.myflorida.com/myflorida/government/laws/documents/terri_schiavo.pdf
May 19, 2004- Terri's Parents on the Record with Greta Van Susteren http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,120385,00.html
August 31, 2004 - Florida Supreme Court Schiavo v. Bush
Archived video of the hearing is available at: http:// www.wfsu.org/rafiles/archives/04-925.ram - Real Video filemms:// - Windows media File.
September 27, 2004- Bob and Mary Schindler interview on CNN Larry King Live
Carolyn Johnson ,August 28,2003- Certified Nursing Assistant...took care of Terri at Sabal Palms nursing home
Carla Sauer Iyer,R.N.- August 29, 2003-Nurse Carla Iyer took care ofTerri at Palm Garden of Largo Convalescent Center, from April of 1995 to July 1996....
Heidi Law,Certified Nursing Assistant ,August 30,2003- took care of Terri at the Palm Gardens nursing home.
http://www.cnsnews.com/pdf/2003/flaffa.pdfhttp://judgegeorgegreer.com/docs/FOR THOSE WHO 'REALLY' WANT TO EDUCATE THEMSELVES
NEUROLOGIST WILLIAM HAMMESFAHR ON SCHIAVO CASE (MP3)The following REAL video files with the .rm or .ram file ending must be played withthe free REAL VIDEO Player, available for download at Real.com Almost Five Minute Long Video of Terri This (2280 KB) file may take a while (8-10 minutes to download if you have slow dialup) but it is well worth it! We have tested the file and it definitely works with the REAL Player. You should NOT use other players for this file.See the story of Terri's family releasing this tape at CNS News.comTerri Opens Eyes - REAL video fileTerri: "How's That cold?" REAL video fileTerri's Mum - REAL video fileTerri Music - REAL video fileTerri Swab - REAL video file
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